Let’s get acquainted shall we? I’m Kate, but I’m also Kathryn or Kat, depending on who’s talking. It’s complicated. Here’s the gist. I am a loving mother to a toddler-aged daughter and a devoted partner to my spouse of almost 3 years. I am a daughter to my parents who I call on the phone every day (sometimes twice a day because I am still a kid in so many ways). I am absolutely horse-crazy, living that budget #equestrianlifestyle, and my oldest child is a 19-year-old Thoroughbred named Reggae. My husband and I adore our dog, Seamus, our first child together and without a doubt the kindest most patient member of the family. I enjoy yoga and running, which I miss dearly now that I’m very, very pregnant with our second child. I am a licensed clinical social worker working in the eating disorder treatment field. Eating disorder recovery and mental health is my jam and much of what you’ll read here is based on my own personal and professional experience in these areas.
Oh yeah, I’m writing to you from Kansas City, my own journey up basecamp since 2006. To be clear, Kansas City is the best town in America but my heart is and always has been in the mountains. My friends can attest that I’ve been promising to move to Colorado for the better part of the last 15 years. One day.
I hope you gain something from reading Journey Up but most of all I hope you’ll connect with me if you need to, mamma. Shoot me an email at [email protected] to share ideas, seek recovery resources or to ask for help.
Until then, journey well, my friend.